4 Back-to-School Tips for Acing a Dental Exam

August 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — benchmarkteam @ 11:57 am
A smiling girl standing outside her school

If you’re a student, odds are you’re preparing for the upcoming Fall semester. That means getting gear for classes, learning your new schedule, and more. Even as you shift gears, though, don’t forget about your back-to-school dental exam. You’ll want to pass it – doing so will make life much easier. Luckily, your Copperas Cove dentist can help you out a bit. Here are some tips for acing the upcoming checkup with a healthy smile.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

If you’re serious about the next dental exam, one thing is a must. Namely, you should maintain good oral hygiene routines.

Naturally, these routines amount to standard dental care habits. For example, the first is to brush your teeth twice daily with fluoridated toothpaste. The second, meanwhile, is to floss between your chompers once daily. Last but not least, the third is to rinse with mouthwash often.

If sticking to these habits is hard for you, there are ways to make them easier. Consider setting phone reminders to brush and floss. On the other hand, you could arrange for your parent(s) to reward you for teeth cleaning.

Follow a Mouth-Healthy Diet

While tempting, sweet snacks aren’t great for your mouth. You’d be better off finding an alternative food source.

You see, fatty and sugary stuff isn’t good for teeth. Eating much of it causes tooth decay, cavities, and even gum disease. The reason is that foods like cake, cookies, and ice cream have loads of sugar. The latter carb erodes tooth enamel and makes it vulnerable to bacteria.

Try a mouth-healthy diet with many vitamins and minerals as an alternative to sweet treats. Lean proteins, dairy products, and leafy greens actually strengthen your enamel. Furthermore, tap water and tea have fluoride that protects teeth.

Chew Sugar-Free Gum After Meals

Of course, you don’t always have time to brush your teeth after school lunch. Most students must rush to class. That being the case, you could chew sugar-free gum instead.

If you don’t already know, chewing gum makes your body produce saliva. This liquid then clears leftover food and bacteria from your mouth. Even better, it re-mineralizes tooth enamel.

For the best of both worlds, you could also brush your teeth after chewing the gum. In that case, however, wait thirty minutes after eating before you pull out the toothbrush.

With the tips above, you can ace your back-to-school dental exam. Therefore, make sure to use them consistently!

About the Practice

Benchmark Family Dental is based in Copperas Cove, TX. Led by Dr. Caraveo, our practice is ready to help each patient’s smile thrive. To that end, we perform preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services, as well as emergency dental work. Each treatment is custom-made and tailored for you, so you can trust that your teeth will be healthy and beautiful. For more information or to book a visit, please reach us on our website or by phone at (254)-547-4866.

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