How to Prevent Dental Emergencies on Summer Vacation

June 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — benchmarkteam @ 6:54 am
A man with a life jacket suffering a dental emergency

By now, you’re likely ready for your annual summer break. It’s June now, after all, and the weather is perfect for some fun in the sun. Still, your trip could face disruptions if you’re not careful. In particular, you might face an unexpected dental emergency. Not all hope is lost, though; your Copperas Cove dentist is here with some advice. Read on, then, to learn four great ways to prevent dental emergencies on your summer vacation.

See Your Dentist Before the Trip

For starters, visiting the dentist before your trip would be a good idea. Their services will reduce your risk of an urgent oral issue abroad.

You see, some dental emergencies stem from prior oral issues. A severe tooth infection, for instance, can result from an earlier cavity. That said, a dentist can help by treating your current dental problems. Doing so will keep a currently-minor condition from developing into a worse one.

Enforce Pool & Sports Safety

For many, summer vacation is a chance to swim and play contact sports. However, you’d be wise to follow safety practices for them; otherwise, they could harm your teeth.

Put simply, pool and sports accidents often cause dental emergencies. Slipping on the pool deck or diving into shallow water can break teeth. Similarly, sports injuries can involve broken or chipped enamel. In either venue, though, sticking to safety can offer protection. For example, local pool rules and a sports mouthguard would prevent severe dental injuries.

Keep Up with Oral Hygiene

You and your kids might be tempted to skip oral care during your trip. Even so, remember: mouth bacteria don’t take breaks. As such, you should maintain your regular oral hygiene routines.

Naturally, you could suffer oral health issues without proper hygiene. The resulting increase in mouth germs would put you at risk of cavities, gum disease, etc. Therefore, your whole family should continue to brush twice daily and floss once daily. These actions remove harmful bacteria from your mouth and ensure it stays healthy.

Eat Healthy Summer Snacks

If your vacation foods feature too much sugar, you could suffer tooth decay or even a dental infection. Consequently, you’re better off swapping unhealthy foods for healthier versions on the trip.

Really, going about the swap is pretty simple. Just pack healthy snacks like cheese, yogurts, and fresh fruits or veggies for the plane or car ride. Kids and adults alike find them tasty, and the items strengthen tooth enamel.

With the tips above, you can prevent dental emergencies on your summer vacation. So, remember to implement them once the break arrives.

About the Practice

Benchmark Family Dental is based in Copperas Cove, TX. Led by Dr. Daniel Caraveo, our practice strives to improve every patient’s smile. To that end, we offer high-quality preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services, as well as emergency dental care. The dental team is even a certified provider of Invisalign clear aligners for orthodontics. For more information or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (254)-547-4866.

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